Monday, October 03, 2005

1909 California Eugenics Bill (click image to enlarge)

Lombardo said California's asexualization statute passed unanimously in the state Assembly, drew only one dissenting vote in the state Senate and was signed into law by Gov. James M. Gillett in 1909.

F.W. Price introduced the bill in the Senate. He chaired the Committee on Hospitals and Asylums and offered many bills that year, most relating to the hospitals and asylums.
(click to enlarge)

Interestingly enough, another Republican, Assemblyman Whitney, also introduced an axexualization bill, but withdrew it. Why? Evidently, there was something in the air that urged a near unanimous agreement on a bill so drastic. What could be so compelling? Both Price and Whitney lived in the Sonoma area. Did something happen in Northern California in 1909?


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